February Studio Roundup
February has been a humbling month – between the mountains of work, navigating tricky situations and being on top of our game on social channels – there’s been time for little else.
The Highs
🎞️ Motion is a fundamental part of any brand’s DNA and we’re so happy to have our new showreel in the homepage show the breadth and bring life to our designs. You can watch it here.
👩🏽🏫 Hosting the Lunch and Learn session for Enterprise Nation on Branding Your Sustainable Business. Nothing makes me happier than sharing what I know about these topics, especially to such a brilliant community of startups and small businesses. If you missed the talk, don’t worry, watch it on demand.
❌ In the spirit of normalising rejection and getting ourselves well into that discomfort zone, we’ve started a Rejection Series. The aim is to get rejected and to do things to do so. In the process if there are any Yes’, then even better but that is not the goal.
💻 Client projects are ticking along nicely. We are so excited for a couple of new projects that are on our pipeline. Stay tuned for more!
The Lows
😣 Workloads have not been easy. There’s a lot happening with events and also with client work, meaning the work/life balance has gone out of the window.
🤷🏽♀️ Not many co-working dates this month, as we have been swamped and working non-stop. Really need to get back into those IRL interactions as they are so helpful and bring so much joy!
📊 Content creation is SO time consuming. Especially when you want to deliver value to your community, but we are here for it.
The Ferrgood Studio Team
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